About Us
How it Works
To use the power of the cross and Jesus to help you forgive, you will take the following steps:

Select a Cross
Public Cross - this cross is free of charge and available to everyone.
Private Cross- there are three different crosses available for purchase to personalize your experience. By establishing a private cross, you can return to forgive offenses as they arise, becoming more like Jesus.

Write a Message
On the notepaper provided, write out the cause of your pain. Write down what caused these feelings in as much detail as possible, naming people, places and events as they happened. Writing in detail results in total freedom of the burden.
Resources - if you are struggling with your feelings, check out the resources page for a list of hurts and offenses.
Please know this is totally private. The contents are not stored and no one can see it but you. This is your story.

Nail it to the Cross
When you are done expressing your feelings, hit the button “Nail It” and your message will be nailed to the cross. At this time, you cannot reopen or look at the message again. The message is not stored and no one will ever see it.
Congratulations! You have officially turned it over to Jesus! You don’t have to think about justice as He will take care of the issue and His judgement will be fair and perfect.